Check-in Time: 8:30 a.m.
Program Time: 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
Location: Arizona State Capitol
Senate Hearing Room 1
1700 W. Washington St.
Phoenix, AZ
Chambers of commerce across Arizona will come together for a powerful day of advocacy at the state legislature. Attendees will hear updates about how policy is impacting business at the state and federal levels.
Following a morning of education, participants are encouraged to schedule meetings with their legislators to discuss the issues impacting their membership and communities. Legislators and their office contact information can be found online here.
Following the conclusion of the program, the group will have lunch with legislators at La Canasta Capitolo.
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with your state legislators and discuss the important issues impacting YOUR members!
Agenda Outline (speakers will be added as they are confirmed)
Opening Remarks:
Raoul Sada, ACE Chairman
Legislative Update:
Michael Haener, Willetta Partners & Jaime Molera, Molera Alvarez
Legislator Remarks:
Senate President Warren Petersen
Senate Minority Leader Raquel Terán
Joint Legislative Budget Committee Presentation
Stefan Shepherd, Deputy Director, JLBC
Federal Update & 2023 Political Landscape:
Ron Eidshaug, VP of Government Affairs, U.S. Chamber
Governor’s Remarks:
Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs
Lunch with legislators at La Canasta Capitolo